(که سپوره وي که پوره وي نو په شریکه به وي (باچاخان)

Mian Sadullah Khan

[03.May.2022 - 15:31]

Today is 29 January 2022 and is the 47th death anniversary of my father and poet of the caravan of modern poem as well as a research scholar having written first book on the life and spiritual gains of revered saint of Hazrat Sheikh Shahbaz Baba RA of Pabbi.

Remember him in your prayers and wish for the betterment of his eternal life. I would like to share with you the life of Mian Saadullah Khan Nasim that I had also displayed on my wall paper last year too.


 Mian Saadullah Khan Naseem was the writer of two books. First is a research work Hazrat Sheikh Shahbaz Baba RA Pabo Sharif on which he started work in 1928 whe he was a student in Garden School Rawalpindi but later he also continued addition and subtraction in it in order to present correct information to the readers. The other one is his poetry which he started in childhood at the age of 13 or 14 and gradually carried on. Two literary references were arranged on the life and work of Mian Nasim on in Urdu Science Board Peshawar on and other in Pabbi in in which dozen of writers offered their felicitation to him in their papers/poems. Hanif Khalil compiled 'Da Perzayuno Amail" that consists on life and literary contribution of Mian Nasim in Dec 31, 1999. Dr Fazle e Rahim Marwat & Pervez Toru give enormous coverage by including article of Zahid ur Rahman Saifi on Mian Nasim in their "Celebrities". in 2005. Famous writer Hamesh Khalil give vast coverage in "Pukhtana Lekwal" vol II in which he analyzing the poetry of Mian Nasim in 2011. 


Mian Saadullah Khan Naseem died on this day 45 years ago in his ancestral village Pabbi, Distt Nowshera. let us remember our laurel with dignity as they were the augmenter of our literature and paved the ways to new vistas in Pukhto literature.


Mian Saadullah Khan Naseem was one of poets who paved the way to modren Nazam in Pukhto the foundation of which was laid down by his Nika ( Maternal Grand Father, Shamsul Ulma Allama Qazi Mir Ahmad Shah Rizwani) who wrote 1st modren Nazam on Peshawar in 1898. Mian Saadullah Khan is the writer of two books viz Naveed (Poetry) & Hazrat Skeikh Shabaz Baba RA Pabo Sharif, who is his ancestral grand father. After passing his Matric from Garden College Rawalpindi in 1928 he started working various jobs. In 1935 he married the daughter of Malak Abdul Baseer Gamrani daughter and had 5 sons. His second son Mian Nasim Pervez is settled in London since 1971. He joined govt job of Assistant Jailor in 1939 till 1952 & then left it to safeguard his lands in Pabbi. He was more inclined towards literature. In his school time he had studied various dramas of William Shakespare and certain novels. He used to attend the annual Musha'airas (Poet Gatherings) on Rahman Baba Mausoleum at regular Interval and used to take his 2nd son, Mian Nasim Pervez also. There he offered poetical felicitation to that legendary poet as had been offered by others also like Hamza Baba, Dost Mohd Khan Kamil, Kakaji Sanobar Hussain and hundreds of poets. Famous Pukhto writer Dr Hanif Khalil (Now Assistant Professor) compiled a book on the life and works of Mian Nasim captioned " Da Perzoyeno Amail" (A Garland of Gratitudes) that envisages various articles & poetical Gratitudes to that personality. Two renown Pukhto Literary Associations "Bagram Adabi Jirgah Pesh & Pukhto Adabi Tolana Raigay Sema Pesh" arranged a reference on the works & servicesof Mian Nasim. In his village Pabbi Kamil Pukhto Adabi Jirgah Pabo Sema also arranged a literary reference on the achievements of Mian Nasim. Since his ancestral Gran Father Hazrat Sheikh Shahbaz Baba alias Pabo Baba or Pabo Mian Sahib his family is the only one who followed and saught knowledge without any halt.


Today is the 44th death anniversary of Famous Pukhto poet, Mian Saadullah Khan Nasim (July 1908-January 29, 1975) who has a unique credit to have written a complete Poem on "Pukhtunkhwa" for the first time on November 15, 1945.




په بڼونو کښې شڼرېږي شين طوطيان

شنه سيندونه يې په سپين مېدان روان

سبزهزار يې په خورو مېرو خواره دي

خط و خال په کشاده مخ د جانان

اب هوا يې معطره مشک عنبر دي

دم درخال پکښې رغېږي پاګلان

په خوبۍ دا هسې پټه خزانه ده

تور تور غرونه تور دېوان يې دي پاسبان

پهء وجود د هندوستان پروت لکه سر

پهء نقشه د ازمري د سر په شان

دا وطن دَ پښتنو کشمير نظير دے

پهء مېوه پهء خوراکه کښې فراوان

چې نېستۍ پکښې هستي نهء ده موندلې

شادماني، راحت ولاړ دے پهء استان

کهء لېمهء مې د وطن پهء ګرد تازه شي

تر نظره به مې کم شي ټول جهان

کهء يې مهر او وفا و ته نظر کړې

دَ محمود، اياز مثال شي راعيان

کهء شاعر يې شاعري کړله اغازه

د کلام جنډا به اودرئ پهء ايران

حقيقت د تصوف پهء لزت موړ کړي

دا حافظ دے دَ شيراز عبدالرحمان

کهء مې مشر دَ حجرې تقرير شروع کړي

دَ ازهر نه به خلق پاڅئ ملايان

کهء يو ځل مو شوه صنعت، حرفت ته مخه

کهء مې توره دَ غېرت چرې پهء لاس کړه

بنګاله به دې يو دم وي بې نشان

مرتبه کهء مې د علم و هنر ګورے

دا جمال جمال يورپ کړلو حېران

چې اوبه مې د جيندي صافې تر خوله شي

ژوند تازه شي خيال مې شي ګوهر افشان

د وطن د سيالو جونو نه به زار کړم

فېشني خوشرنګ خوبان د انګلستان

د سيالانو د غېرته به يې غواړم

پهء کم اصلو مې بایءللے نام نشان

چې اثر د پښتو نهء لري پهء تن کښې

بې خوشبو يو لباسي ګُل دبوستان

نهء ريا او نهء فرېب يو صاف ګفتار

چې کمال د پښتو ژبې شي عيان

پهء وسعت کښې د کونې مطلب پوره شو

سمندر په کوزه بند حکمت حېران

يا سياهي زما د بخت د قلم تم شوه

يا افغان سره فعال سر و سامان

ورور، تربور دې ابتداء د خصومت شوه

ته د خپل وجود پهء اور شولې سوزان

کهء دې تېر عقل راستونے کړو پهء سر بيا

کهء فساد، عناد دې بند کړو پهء زندان

د جهان پهء مخ به نمر غوندې څرګند شې

د باطن د پاره تندر د اسمان

کاش کهء ژوند کښې دې نسيم ڼداره وکړي

زما تلے جاه، جلال، دورِدوران

15. 11. 1945

(Mia Sohail Insha)

بېرته شاته