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Coming up next; KhyberWatch Network

[29.Jan.2010 - 22:05]
Inspiration; Khyberwatch Network takes inspiration from the Pushtun Nationalist Movement started by Pir Rokhan, nurtured by Khushal Khan and modernized by Baacha Khan Mission: Khyberwatch Network seeks the indigenous ways of constructing subjective, local and transient discourses for broader modalities of changes pertaining to human rights, peace and development. The organization has been working for more than six years to involve local intellect and the corresponding diaspora in free debate and advocacy about research and development, vertically as well as horizontally. The hallmark of the organization is its website and discussion forum whose members belong to different walks of life ranging from NGOs to political parties. The organization records local perceptions in the form of direct contributions form the people and in turn help them to seeking networking with people of like-minded perceptions. Khyberwatch Network considers the five-tier model of “Weapons of Mass Empowerment”: 1) Techno-Creative Culture 2) Knowledge- based Economy 3) E-governance based Politics 4) Industry-based Education 5) WWW-based Morality (My worth is my work and my work is my worship) Khyberwatch Network is engaged in conducting research related to key Pushtun issues. Khyberwatch is focusing good governess, economic development, education, media literacy, publications, translations, promoting language and culture and other philanthropic works. ـ دپښتنو قامی سنګر ـ - Pakhtunkhwa Correspondent
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